OMICS International Recruits the Local Talents from the Andhra University

OMICS International Recruits the Local Talents from the Andhra University

News Today: Siripuram:

The Open access publisher and the Science event’s organizer across the global the OMICS International to recruit students from Andhra University, Vishakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh on 4th and 5th April, 2018. Releasing the details to the press, the vice chancellor Prof.GSN Raju informed the students to make the best use of the opportunities by taking part in the interview sessions being organized at the University Senate Hall.     Apart from the students studying in that university, students of other colleges in the city can also avail this facility.
Speaking on this occasion, OMICS CEO and Director Dr. Srinubabu told the press that his company is intended to recruit 100 employees as editorial assistants and programme coordinators for his publication and the conference wing. Students with Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Food Technology, Pharmacy, physics and Chemistry backgrounds are eligible  for this positions.

DR. Srnubabu Donates Funds
On this occasion, Dr. Srinubabu Gedela presented a Bank cheque of 0.5 million to the Department of Chemistry in Andhra University from where graduated as an engineer. The Vice Chancellor instructed the university officials to allocate the funds for the development of the development. University Rector E. A Narayana and Registrar Prof. Umamahswrarao were also present on this occasion.